ABDE Solutions

Bio-energy for your future


Aquafin sludge source of renewable energy

Aquafin uses sludge from 4 million residents as a source of renewable energy and materials. Sludge dryers are being built in Roeselare and Beringen to dry the sludge using residual heat. The dried sludge is transported to a facility in Ghent, where it is converted into energy-rich steam for electricity and heat. This reduces the CO₂ footprint of both Aquafin and Arcelor Mittal.

Biomethanisation Brussels

ABDE is helping to advise on the technical specifications and elaboration of the construction of a biomethanization unit in the city of Brussels, with the aim of processing 25 to 30,000 tons of methanizable waste per year and producing heat and electricity through cogeneration and the production of biofuel.


ABDE Solutions
Krimperslaan 4a
B-9140 Temse

telefoon: +32 (0) 473 813 183
telefax: 03 711 11 91
BTW nummer: BE0865.512.588

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